Friday, March 28, 2008

Birding at Ketha marshy Land in Kaduwela with Amila & Mervin

Last evening I had the opportunity to visit a marshy land called “Ketha” in Ihala Bomiriya, Kaduwela. I went with Mervin & Amila who directed us to this location for birding. This location is identified by him for some birding with his clients. Within a short period of time we were able to see more than 35 species including some of the endemics. Our birding time was from 4.15 PM to 5.45 PM.
Some of the highlights of our birding are Red Rumped Swallow, Black Bittern, Pheasant Tailed jacana etc. Lots of nesting of purple heron was observed in this area. Yellow bittern, Purple heron, brown shrike, Blue tailed bee eaters, Striated heron, Plain prinia, Pied kingfisher, Common kingfisher, White throated Kingfisher, Lesser whistling duck, Little cormorant, Purple Swamphen, Spot billed pelican, Brahminy kite, Black winged stilt are some of the names to me mentioned I saw.