Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Birding at Amaya Lake, Kandalama

As a part of my write up and as a hobby I do wherever I go did some birding around this sanctuary where I was able to hear the beautiful song of the White Rumped Shama for the first time of birding in 2008. This property has identified as a bird friendly resort by the Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka because of its rich birdlife. I did two sessions of birding for which the first session was fifth April 4.30 to 6.30 pm and the second session was on 6th morning from 6.30 to 10.30 am. During my first session, I was able to observe more than 25 species whereas I was able to see more than 40 species on the other session. Some of the highlights are Sri Lanka Jungle fowl, Black capped bulbul, Red Rumped Swallow, Orange breasted green pigeon, Tickell's blue flycatcher, Tawny bellied babbler, White bellied fish eagle. In the same time, I was able to see some animals like black naped hare, giant squirrel and some butterfly species.

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