Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dreams are alive at Yala National Park

Undoubtedly all the wildlife enthusiasts dreaming to see a leopard in its natural habitats and Yala National Park keep these dreams alive by providing excellent opportunities to observe and photograph leopards in their own territory.

Joining the Safari camp organized by the Eco team at palatupana just outside the Yala National Park to host Mr. Paul, a British who works as a Team Leader for a Water Board Project in Kandy with his wife and son who are on their summer vacation I was privileged to have two safaris to the Yala national park on 28th and 29th of July one in the dusk and one in the morning.

Our first sighting of this giant carnivore was at dusk sitting under a Palu tree (a common fruit tree in the park) under very poor light conditions for about 10 minutes observation. The second sighting was on the morning safari which provided us an excellent opportunity to observe and photograph it while it was sitting on a rock. On the same safari we were fortunate to observe another leopard just few yards away from the main road inside the Yala Park.

Apart from this elusive leopard our highlights included herds of spotted deer, wild boar, jackal, black napped hare, water buffalo, sambar, mugger crocodiles, Asian elephants etc.
Sri Lanka Jungle Fowl, Malabar pied horn bill, Black crowned night heron, Lesser adjutant, spot billed pelican are some of the birding highlights.


Anonymous said...

i'll be in sri lanka on the 18th this month, this blog is a good source of advice and sure has gotten my travel juices running!

Nishantha Kamburugamuwa said...

Thanks Bob and hope you will have a great holiday in Sri Lanka. Contact me if you need any help or advise.