Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Birding in Sinharaja with Boon

Birding in Sinharaja always gives me an opportunity to enhance my birding experience and therefore when I get an opportunity to go to Sinharaja rain forest I hardly miss it. This time a request came from one of my relative who serves as a doctor in the cancer hospital, Maharagama to accompany Mr. Boon, a Singaporean who is on a special tour to Sri Lanka for a week for a lecture series in Maharagama cancer hospital, to Sinharaja after his lecture series for two days visit.

Leaving Colombo around 6.30 in the evening on 4th of December Friday, we were able to reach Martin’s simple lodge in the mid night after a very tiresome journey due to the very bad road conditions and to thanks Martin still our dinner was waiting for us.

Amila, one of the most experienced ornithology tour coordinators in Sri Lanka and the founder of the Birdwing Nature Holidays gave my wake up call coincidently he has happened to sleep the adjoining room. Joining with all we had our breakfast and just before we leave for the nature walk we were able to had observe Malabar trogan, scarlet minivets, black crested bulbuls, Sri Lanka Mynas in Martin’s place.

Imagine how lucky our friend are, just right on the entrance gate even without entering to the forest we were able to spot the most elusive bird Red faced malkoha on a very low canopy which is not usual in this height including Sri Lanka Blue magpie, Crested drongo, orange billed babblers, yellow browed bulbuls, Sri Lanka jungle fowl etc. walking just few yards from the entrance one Chestnut backed owlet flew away after allowing us to have a good look on it. The nature walk left so many sweet memories to Boon because this is his first visit to Sinharaja. My day’s highlight was the Indian Blue Robin we were able to spot just few yards away from the research center.

Ceylon bird wing, Common Blue bottle, Blue Mormon, Crimson Rose, Ceylon Tree nymph, Commander, White four ring are some of the butterfly highlights while Green vine snake, Sri Lanka Keel back water snake, Giant squirrel, purple faced leaf monkey are some of the other highlights that boon made a note of them.

While having our traditional Sri Lank an lunch including dry fish, Pol Sambol etc. served by our host Martin after the tiresome nature walk, we had the privilege of having the company with Mr. Gehan De Silva Wijeratne, author of the most number of field guides used by the naturalists in Sri Lanka and a Sri lank an wildlife promoter who currently serves as the CEO to the Jetwing Eco Holidays.

Getting up to the noise of the Sri Lanka Blue Magpie in the following morning packed our things and came back to Colombo after the breakfast while spotting some birds around Martins lodge. On our way back to Colombo we were able to spot some village birds including a Common wood shrike before we reach to Ratnapura.

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